Axelcrasy french

dimanche 22 août 2010


Quand on passe du rêve au cauchemar!

Cette matinée fût riche en émotion, après avoir pris à 7h ce matin une superbe carpe commune, sur mon lac :" hard lake in france", j' allais m' entrainer en triathlon vers 9h30,( sortie fractionnée en vélo) .................................
j' étais partis pour faire 10 montées rapides et 10 descentes en travaillant la prise de vitesse......

à la 8ème descente...........CATASTROPHE!!!


Choc terrifiant à 60 KM/H, contre un jeune homme traversant la route, pris de plein fouet...

Allongé sur le sol, je ne pouvais trop bouger mes jambes. Les pompiers sur les lieux, ils m' évacuaient sur la polyclinique d' Ambérieu...
je ressentais une vive douleur sur la hanche gauche!les coudes et genoux ont bien ramassés.
Tout me passait dans la tête, car sur ce genre d' accident, et notamment sur une chute violente, sur le bassin, on ne s' est jamais la suite des évènements...
Bien sur, je pensais au pire!!

Le jeune n' a rien eu, le vélo et moi même, rien de bien grave...

mardi 17 août 2010

Hard lake in France...

Part 1

I make a session for 3 nights in a lake in France, where swim some very big fish, but there is not a lot of them!
so i try to fish different i use to, i m alone in the lake because it s very very hard!
now i write this article whereas i fish, i catch 2 fish now, 5 kg and 12 kg, in the night at 4 h and at 12h this afternoon...

Normaly, i thought there was only big fish, but at my surprise it s different...

For me no stress the biggy follow sometimes the way of the small fish!! i hope!

i can film some run in direct live...

so i finish the session with 7 run and caught 6 FISH, the bigger fish is 13 kg...
NORMALY, it was a lake who give some really good and big fish... it s change a little but all the carp i caught was very beautiful and when they ll bigger they ll be very ver
Part 2

I return in this lake because the last time it was little surprise for me!!
no big carp, only little fish, it was no normal...
so i make 2 days session and i catch one good commune...
At 5 o' clock, in the night, i have got a good run, and i take my rod, go with the boat, and hard fish, because of the vegetation a lot!! I had got a very good fight!

Part 3

I catch with good success this fish bautiful in this secret french lake, it was very very hard, and i must try some different stategy to catch it!!

part 4

i return in my hard lake for 4 nights and it was a session no easy, because of the garde peche and because of the bremes and tanche...
A lot of little fish come on my spot...
my solution to catch one good fish was to change of zone, i try to prebait the night before, and just one night with just a little of particule...
the 4rd night at 21 hours, i caught this beautiful fish!!
My big challenge is now to catch my 7nd carp over 20 kg ( for this year), in this lake , so i fish a lot to have this futur result...

samedi 7 août 2010


I just return in my home after 5nights in "little Cassien" near my home, i meet some good anglers. I caught some good carps and the fishy is hard...

In this session, i spoke very good with a lot of deutch guys. I definetly like the mentality of holland!
Now, with my little experience in some good lake , i meet a lot of peaple from different country!,
for example:
German, Italian, Holland, english, tchèque, pologne, belgium,suisse...
The mentality is different and depend of the person.
But i think anglers from another country have definetly an another culture of fishing.
If u don t speek english, so u have a lot of problem... NO COMMUNICATION!
So i try to learn all the time but it s no easy; Speeking is the best thing to have evolution in the language.
But the best problem is writting!!!! lol.
I' d like to go in holland for the big event of carpfishing in february.

I had good story and i have new thing to make in the blog, i will make now some film under the water with my camera.
I have only an amateur, not really performance camera! but it will be good to have some good moment...
So, now lets go for : Underwater.... part 1...