Axelcrasy french

vendredi 30 avril 2010


Je rentre de ma session sur ce fameux lac aussi appellé "le petit cassien", où j' ai péché avec un très grand pécheur, durant ces quelques jours, j' ai d' ailleurs beaucoup appris sur une approche de la pêche complètement à l' opposé de ma philosophie.

Le dicton "y a que les imbéciles qui ne changent pas d' avis", m' a permis d' écouter, d' analyser, de me remettre en question, et surtout, d' enfin comprendre des choses, qui me semblaient encore flous!

Malgré tout, on a pu s' apercevoir que la pêche était assez difficile, et nous avons su tirer notre épingle du jeu.

dimanche 18 avril 2010


Welcome to the paradise , Saint Cassien !!

i maked in january 2008 a unbelieveble session in cassien, i came in 31 january, in order to see the lake, because for me it was my first time in this lake, i had a dream, fishing a spot no stop!
and for that i took the spot of Kevin Elis.

the problem is: there is a lot of carpangler in cassien so it was no easy to have the spot, so i came very early to keep the spot.
When i arrived the first time in january to repere the lake, i had the surprise to see there is noboby in the ouest arm!

so when i returned to Lyon, i took the time to returned again, but ...

there was a big problem!!

the 6 februar, there was a lot of carpangler, so i must changed my plan if i stayed in cassien.

when a very big surprise came !!!
the spot of mathilde was free the 2nd day. yessssss!!!

i was very very happy and my plan was ok!!
take and only take Kevin Elis!!

i took this spot the 1st april, i joked because normaly it was a little joke!!lol

but at my surprise i was very very happy and impatient to fish here

the 2 first months with no fish was very hard for me, but with the sport and the confort (5 biwy, 1 generator, good food... it was good!! i maked sport all the days and listen radio all the evening!
without all that i couldnt make this project.
no easy, i sayed that all the time, and i think this lake is not really easy, and the time for me was necessary to catch!!

so my session had a lot of little story good, and some no really easy, for example when i fighted with the carp in the middle of the lake where there is 15 meter deep, and she returned the float and i went in the water, because of this power!!
i thought it was bigggyyy!!
just a very beautiful fight and a carp of 12kg.

and i remembered a fight with a carp who began in ELIS and finished near the rocher de l' américain, incroyable!!
with the float tube i maked all my fight, and i had unbelieveble memory!!

the lake gave me my present the 7 jun, just one day before my end of session, a carp 23 kg beau ti fullll!!!

A Italian Man sayed me all the time: WHITE BOILIES SECRET IN CASSIEN !!

for me it was ....UN BE LIE VE BLE!!!
I LOVE CASSIEN definitely, and in the futur, i have another thing to make in this lake...

beautilul fish!

vue imprenable!!

you love it or you hate it!!
me, i love!!!!!

Quelques beaux poissons

cette carpe prise sur un coup de folie!

belle commune du rhone!

voici quelques photos de trophés plutôt ...


tiens !ca c' est cadeau!


my first carp in orient


we had 4 night for fishing orient but no water so very hard work!!
but we walk, we walk 25 km to fish, but i 'd never never tired as that, incroyable!!

i catch one fish only one but it was good, because no easy!!

in my memory, in my life, unbelievebale!!



I went in august 2009, in Milan for fishing one week with my friend Marco ;
it was extraordinary!! our choice was to fish the middle of the lake, with instability spot...

I liked to be in compagny of Marco, on this big big lake, because of the beautiful environnement!!

for the fishing, it was very good, we catched some good fish, and had some good moment in this session!!
see u lat my friend Marco!!